Friday, March 21, 2008

One More Pic...The Family!

Boy am I smiling awfully big!

Fun with Friends!

We ended up going to an IWU track meet (my alma mater) and meeting up with friends (Laine, Van, Michelle, Gena, and Katie (later on)). Lil' Ron made a new friend too. The other little boy started to cry when Lil' Ron was playing with him. That darn daycare again!

Birthdays, Birthdays!

We also have celebrated both Big Ron and I's birthdays. Mine was February 12 and Ron's was March 12. What's interesting is that 12 is both of our favorite numbers and Lil' Ron was due May 12th. It didn't turn out that way as he was born May 7th but it's close enough. I thought it was appropriate to show a picture of Lil' Ron with my b-day cake and all it's glory. Ron had to work on his birthday so we ended up taking him an ice cream cake to the hospital. Hopefully he'll get to spend next year with us!

Walk the Line

So as I am logging in today, I realize that it's almost been two months posting anything! I thought I had done something in February but I guess I was wrong!

Little Ron has been quite busy these days as usual. He has learned to walk and is into everything. He had taken a few steps at daycare the past couple of weeks but officially began to walk last Sunday. Now, he just doesn't want to sit down! In fact, he has encouraged all the other babies at daycare to try it. There are two girls who are almost 13 months who have not tried/started to walk. But after seeing him, they are lifting themselves up. Of course they have a lot more weight than Lil' Ron to throw around but I think they are getting the hang of it. Speaking of weight, we have to go back to the doctor next week so that they can check his height and weight. He is officially off the charts!! We knew he might be little but at least maybe the 5% percentile :) The doctor is somewhat worried but me and daddy are not simply because he is soooo active. He pretty much burns whatever he eats off by playing so much!

Lil' Ron was also in a baby crawl contest (his first and last) at Raisa's (my little sister) last home game. He took off and was in the lead but because of his socialization skills which he learned at daycare, he was much more interested in the other babies and playing with them than crawling to mom. I really wanted him to win because the prize was a $500 savings bond but he was much less interested in that. It was fun to enter him and watch him play. I got a taste of what it will be like if he decides to play sports. I was nervous from the beginning to the end. Now I know what my Mom went through watching us at games/meets all the time. She still does it now with Raisa - she won't look at Raisa when she's shooting free throws during games!

Big Ron and I are still having tons 'o' fun with Lil' Ron. He is always talking and telling us something which we obviously don't understand. He can say "dada" really well and is practicing "mama." He falls asleep anytime between 8:30 and 10:00 and will usually sleep until I wake him to get ready to go to daycare around 7 am. He is starting to move away from the bottle and loves his sippy cup. He hates mushed baby food and wants the real stuff, all the time!

In other news, Daddy is almost done with school! He takes his senior comps in April, graduates in May and then his certification test will be sometime around June. We plan on starting to look for a house in May with hopes of moving into a new house by August. So, we are going to be really busy for a few more months still. I don't know what we would do if we weren't busy though :)

Well, in the meantime, enjoy the pics and hopefully it won't be another two months before I post again. It's going to be hard if it's nice outside though!!